What an incredible time in history we’re living through.  When the ball dropped in Times Square at the beginning of this decade, just a few short months ago, who would have ever imagined that our lives and our world would change so dramatically?  This is a chapter of life that we will never forget.  Our kids will remember the time they didn’t go to school and we’ll remember the only time in our lives where we had nothing to do.

The Estate Sale business came to a screeching halt.  Many of my employees had other jobs, but they lost those full time jobs and incomes.  They are struggling to pay the rent and keep food on the table for their families.  This is a first.  We are all in the same boat.

For the first 6 weeks of the shutdown, my crew and I were lucky enough to have something to do everyday.  We worked setting up a really, really big Estate Sale.  We were able to socially distance because the house was large and sat on several acres.  I want to give you a little glimpse of what we were able to do because we had a lot of time to get it done.

When we start a sale it often looks like this.  Boxes of unorganized things that haven’t been seen in decades. We mentally figure out what areas should be used for what and where like things will go.  Once we have a plan, we concentrate specifically on that area.  We’ll stage and organize the area….hoping not to have to move it….but that never happens in real life.  We always have a better idea.  Ha!

We unpacked, threw away, cleaned, shined and organized.  We  polished silver for days, we researched almost every item and found comps for pricing.  We hung pictures and put together all the pieces of the puzzle.  We laughed and had fun with things we found in the Sale (by the way, those are Thai dance fingernail extensions).

We finally got it just right.  Then we closed the door and walked away.  Like I said, this is the weirdest time ever. We’ll open the doors to this MAMMOTH SALE when the restrictions are eased. 

Wen and I re-landscaped two rental properties and realized we were sore where we didn’t know we had muscles.  We gained a new appreciation for all those in lawn care and landscaping…and we realized we didn’t know what we were doing at all!

We spent lots of time with family and Grand kids and made this time of “Distanced Togetherness” work.

My crew and I sincerely hope that all of you are safe during this Pandemic.  We think about you all the time.  You have become friends and confidants.  We count on you for our livelihoods but also for fun and great memories.  Thank you for being our friends.

Wen took the plunge and got a mullet!  I thought he’d never do it!

See you soon……….!

P.S.  I wrote this 6 weeks into the shutdown.  Restrictions have eased and this amazing sale is scheduled for June 12, 13 & 14.  See you there!

Photos, info & new Covid rules:

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