I know I’m not Oprah, but there are some things I just can’t live without.  Some are everyday things and others are luxuries.  Since 22 is my favorite number, here is my top 22 things list:

#1.  A Great piece of ART that I love.  It doesn’t have to be expensive…it just makes me happy.  If my house was on fire, I’d grab this and run.

#2. TOMATOES and peaches from East Texas.

#3. VACATIONS to exotic and not so exotic locales with my husband and kids

#4.  MOM, DAD & A GREAT MOTHER IN LAW.  I had the best childhood anyone could ever have and I owe it to these amazing people.  I also got the best Mother-in-Law ever!

#5. Four Grown KIDS, 5 amazing GRANDKIDS and 2 great SON-IN-LAWS!


#7. JJ’s PASTA – Angel Hair pasta, fresh tomatoes, avocados, fresh mozzarella, chopped garlic, aged Parmesan cheese, chopped basil & truffle oil.  It’s the best!

#8.  PEARLS…all pearls…every color, shape and size! They are classic and timeless.

#9.  FRESH SUSHI…straight from the boat and onto the plate!


#11. ZEP Foaming Glass Cleaner – My favorite product for cleaning glass and other surfaces.  I couldn’t live without it at work and at home.

#12. FLITZ Metal Polish – My favorite silver polish of all time.  If you ever wondered what I use to polish silver at Estate Sales, this is it. I order the big cans by the case from Amazon.

#13.  CHEESE BOARDS – It doesn’t get better than cheese, meat, honeycomb, olives, nuts and crackers!

#14. WORK – I have the best and most interesting job in the world.  I work with my best friends and my son. 

Everyday is different and it’s never boring! 

#15.  GREAT FRIENDS!  Gotta have ‘em.  Here are a few of my closest.

#16. VIDALIA CHOP WIZARD.  I’m not kidding.  It was a gift from my Mother-in-Law 20 years ago.  Now I have spares in case one breaks.  Chops anything in 2 seconds and it’s awesome!

#17. A pair of CUSTOM COWBOY BOOTS…my design, made to measure.  This is Texas, y’all!

#18. A great glass of WINE OR COCKTAIL! (Four Seasons, Sayan, Bali). You can always gift me a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand or South Africa. 

#19. PHOTOGRAPHS.  I have 87,986 photographs on my phone and most are in albums.  I pay for extra storage.  It’s worth the time and effort it takes to organize them.  I can find whatever I need in an instant.  My kids laugh at me but they are grateful too.  What a legacy they’re going to have of themselves and their children.  Remember, we had to have them developed back in the day.

#20. CAFFEINE – Yes!  I’m an addict to all caffeine (except coffee) and I don’t feel guilty.  Now that that’s off my chest, I need another Diet Coke!

#21. BLACK TRUFFLE SEA SALT from Oleaceae Olive Oil in Santa Fe.  This should actually be at the top of my list! I use it all the time.

#22. RUNNING & EXERCISE!!  I ran everyday for 40+ years. Now I usually walk, but it keeps me out of trouble and off a psychiatrist’s couch.  Exercise gives me a few minutes to myself everyday.  Try it for a week or two.  It’s life changing.

Once I started this list I could have gone on for hours with things I love.  I could have also gone on about things I’m grateful for too.

Thanks for reading!  Hope this makes you think about your favorite things and sharing them with others.



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