Rules for My Daughters


Let me just say at the beginning of this…I’m not expert on anything!  Bill and I raised four kids on a wing and a prayer. We have two girls and two boys and I am blessed that they all made it to adulthood and are now thriving.  Our family has had ups and downs and way too many close calls. Here are a few things that I tell my daughters, especially now that they are grown and have children. Just glad they might listen!

  1. Put God FIRST in your life. He put you here for a reason and you have to answer to Him in the end.
  2. You are 100% responsible for your life and how you live it.  Make it count.
  3. You live with the responsibilities and consequences of your actions.
  4. Act like a lady but wear a girdle of steel!
  1. When someone tells you a secret….keep it. No Joke!
  2. There really is a girl code. Don’t ever throw anyone under the bus.
  3. Don’t make a mistake in the man you marry. It can mess up the rest of your life.
  1. My Mother’s favorite saying is….”If a house needs painting, paint it”.  If you need some makeup wear it. It’s not a feminist thing. Some of us need it more than others. 
  1. Honor your Father and Mother. They’ve always got your back.
  1. Don’t be afraid to look someone in the eye and SAY NO when  you know it’s not right.
  2. ALWAYS do the right thing regardless of the cost to you.
  3. A smile can disguise what you’re really thinking.
  4. Don’t text when you’re tired or mad. It will come back to bite you.
  5. Understand the balance of confidence and humility.
  6. Pray often and fervently. Pray more for those you don’t love more than the ones you do. They need it more.
  7. A cocktail is great but don’t get drunk. It’s tacky.
  1. Hard times define who you become.
  2. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room!!!
  3. Exercise whether you want to or not. It will keep you off the psychiatrist’s couch
  4. KNOW FOR SURE where you’re going when you die and know the reason why.
  5. Be friends with the new kid. They may become your best friend.
  6. Never go to bed angry with your partner.
  7. Visit the elderly. You’ll be there someday and you’ll want the company.
  8. Don’t be rude. People will remember.
  9. Learn how to write a thank you note and send it. The recipient will remember. (This one makes me misty!)
  1. Understand your family finances. You need to know!

(Okay….theses are not my daughters…but my sons and their lifelong friends. This was their first paycheck in High School –  working on a rent house we bought and they worked hard on all summer)

  1. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all!  Learn to hold your tongue.
  2. Don’t be envious of other women. Learn from them and figure out why you’re jealous. Someone is always smarter and prettier than you.
  1. Always stand up for yourself.
  2. If you’re on your phone on a vacation, you’re missing the point.
  3. Pray for wisdom above all else. God will give it to you.
  4. Always be kind…mean words will come back to haunt you.
  5. Don’t try to look younger than you are…look the best you can look for your age. A bad face lift is haunting.
  6. Apologies undo 99% of the damage.
  7. Don’t be jealous in relationships. It will do you harm and it’s a waste of time.
  8. Give credit and take the blame.
  9. Don’t cheat or lie!
  10. Make others feel important. They will remember it!
  11. Best friends are hard to come by. Laugh hard and often!
  1. Your life is a tapestry. Weave it beautifully and carefully.
  1. Always take care of your babies. There is no playbook for Mothering. They are your first priority.
  1. Don’t beat yourself up about your looks or your weight. It’s who you are right now that counts. If you want to change it…do it starting now.
  2. It’s OK to have fun! Your house doesn’t have to be perfect and life is always a little messy.
  1. When you talk to someone, give them 100% of your attention.  This is the hardest thing for me…just sayin!
  2. When you deliver the truth with respect, how the other person responds is not your problem.
  3. First impressions really do count…whether you believe it or not.
  1. If you want kids and can’t have them…take the plunge and adopt. It’s the greatest gift ever! I’ve got 3 adopted kids and had one old age surprise. I love them all equally.
  1. Buy one pair of custom cowboy boots! It’s a Texas thing!
  1.  If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.  
  2. You have a unique fashion style…embrace it and run with it!
  1. Create memories with your children. They’ll remember it…even if they remember it differently than you do.
  1. Be kind to everyone you meet. You don’t know what the other person is going through or struggling with.
  2. Your family and friends are your legacy. Make it count.
  1. Be gentle and kind to animals.
  1. Be understanding with your parents. You’ll be in their place someday. Family is everything and all you’ve got.
  1. ALWAYS WORK!  I probably should have put this at the top of the list.  WORK….whether it’s at home, in an office or for yourself, but always be the CEO of your own life!!
  1. Be a Mom…whether you have kids or not…be a committed Mom to your kids, someone else’s kids, your furry friends or an aunt to someone else’s kids. It does matter and you’ll make a difference in their life!

OK…I did this to my kids…dressed them alike…sorry kids!

  1. Always be Consistent.
  2. Leave every place cleaner than you found it.
  3. Accept everyone for who they are and what they believe. 
  1. Everyone has a story. Yours is not more important than theirs.
  2. It’s okay to throw away and purge. It’s actually great!
  1. Always have fun! 
  1. Work at making your Kids and Grandkids FRIENDS FOREVER!  It’s your legacy.
  1. If someone tells you you can’t….show them you can!
  2.  The biggest ring doesn’t mean you win! A marriage with love means 1000% more than a rock with no love. Be careful!
  1. Introduce yourself with your first and last name.
  2. Teach your children to be fair.
  3. Listen to the wisdom of your Grandparents. They raised the generation before you and they’re usually right.
  4. Stand up and be counted for all you’ve learned and experienced.
  5. Give praise to those who deserve it.
  6. Travel….everywhere!  Expand your horizons! It’s totally worth all the trouble and sacrifice!
  1.  Create memories with your children. A trip goes a long way with the memories.
  1.  A dress is always pretty on a lady!  Buy one great dress, wear it and own it!
  2. Love your husband or partner wholly and forever!





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