When this year started, who would have thought it would end up like this…a full blown Pandemic that’s still out of control with no end in sight? Right after the ball dropped to start this new decade, we heard rumbles of a terrible flu in China. We never imagined it would come to America and actually affect all of us. Here is the story of “Our 2020” and the effect the Coronavirus has had on our Estate Sale Business.

We held our first sale of the year in Preston Hollow (Dallas) the first weekend of March. Nobody really thought the Coronavirus would make it to us, but just in case, we knocked elbows instead of shaking hands and didn’t hug all our customers like we normally do. It was a little awkward but we muddled through it.

The first weekend of March 2020 – The last of normal. No masks, no sanitizer, no distancing.  Those were the days!

Then, the shutdown.  Right after the March sale we were scheduled to do a “Monster Sale” in April. We could still go to work and prep the sale because the house was huge and we could distance. We were so isolated prepping that sale for six weeks, we didn’t realize how big and scary the virus had become. We couldn’t get masks, we couldn’t find hand sanitizer, we were scared to drive on the streets. We had to delay the sale for 2 months. We had to order sneeze guards for checkout from….who would have thought….China. It took them 6 weeks to arrive. Even our youngest team member wore a mask. It was our first foray into the “Coronvirus Normal” at Estate Sales.


By the 3rd Sale of the year, everyone understood the danger of Coronavirus. They masked up, they distanced and they were ready to shop. Everyone was tired of staying indoors and wanted something new. This sale was supposed to happen in May but happened in July 2020. The space was 30,000 square feet so there was plenty of room for distancing.


The next sale in Dallas was all business with masks, sanitizer stations and hand washing stations. Customers were great and patient and didn’t mind the wait. You know….it’s sort of better for customers when they’re not as hurried and they have time to make up their minds without a crush of people wanting the same thing they came for.


Fall 2020 was amazing and fun!  We had the opportunity to do a sale for the Graham Family, the founding family of Graham, TX and part of the legendary Goodnight-Loving Cattle Drive family.  When we stayed in Graham to prep the sale, there were no active Coronavirus cases. Masks weren’t required, we could shake hands and not worry about the rest of the world for a while.  We got a little bit of normal for a month. It was so refreshing…and Graham, TX was so beautiful!


However, we required the customers and staff to mask up and distance.

Finally…the end of the road for 2020!  We did a sale on Beverly Drive in Dallas.  Beverly is the most coveted address in Dallas. It was Christmas, we had amazing stuff, amazing staff, amazing Dallas Sheriffs and it was a huge success!


Some of the best memories and friendships are made during the setup of a sale. We laugh, play, work and love each other. It’s a weird family that none of us would trade for the world.


Goodbye 2020….Let 2021 begin with health, happiness and a nod to normal again!

See you in Wichita Falls in February for an AMAZING SALE!


Janelle & The Estate Sale Gang

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