I’m not the smartest Mom in the room…I’ll admit. I’ve had a lot of hard fought experiences.

These are just a few things I tell my 2 Sons, 2 Sons in Law and 3 Grandsons.

There is no Parenting Handbook. We do the best we can with the skills we’ve been given.

God Bless All Parents!

1. God put you on this earth for a reason. Trust Him, make it count and make Him proud.

2. Life is all about relationships. Guard them fiercely.

3. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look the person in the eye.

4. Always introduce yourself, even if it’s for the second or third time.  You’ll know when they remember you.

5. Act like you’ve been there before and be confident.

6. When entrusted with a secret….keep it!

7. Don’t make a mistake in who you marry. It can mess up the rest of your life!

8. Become a great listener.

9. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

10. Never burn bridges with anyone…especially friends & bosses.  You will need them someday.

11. Choose your words carefully…they are powerful.

12. Become your own man on your own merits.

13. Know that when you marry, you marry the whole family.

14. You are defined by your friends.  Choose wisely and carefully.

15. ALWAYS do the right thing.

16.  Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.

17.  A sport coat is worth a thousand words.  Just sayin!

18.  Sit in reverence of your Creator, but remember He gave you free will.  Do your own work.

19. Old ways don’t open new doors.  

20. Eat lunch with the new kid. He might become your best friend.

21. Make others feel important….they’ll remember it.

22. Care about your appearance. First impressions count.

23. Don’t text anything if you’re angry. It’s permanent.

24. Always respect your parents and treat them with kindness.  They changed your diapers.

25. Visit the elderly. You’ll be there someday and you’ll want company.

26. Always be kind….no matter what.  Mean words will come back to haunt you.

27. Always say thank you to firefighters, policemen & military personnel.  

28. Be proud of your efforts and accomplishments, but don’t get cute.

29. Give credit. Take blame.

30. Always say you’re sorry when you’re wrong. Apologies can undo a lot of damage.

31. You don’t always have to be right or have the last word.

32. Don’t be jealous.  It’s a waste of time.

33. When the truth is delivered with respect, how the other person responds is not your problem.

34. If you’re the smartest person in the room….you’re in the wrong room!

35. There is nothing better than a confident man, but understand the balance of confidence and humility.

36. God wants you to walk with Him, but the Devil sends a limo….walk don’t ride!

37. Say hello first… with a smile. Instant friendships happen that way.

38. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.

39. It takes failure to realize success.

40. Appreciate your youth and good looks. It won’t always be there.

41. Be like a duck…remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

42. If you need your phone on a vacation, you’re missing the point.

43. Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

44. Pray often and fervently for those you love and harder for those you don’t love.

45. Always have one pair of nice shoes and a great belt.

46. Learn how to write a handwritten note and send it.  

46. Always offer to pick up the tab on the first date.

47. Relationships with God, family and friends are the most important things in the world.

48. There is no handbook for life. Do the best you can.

49. If others say you can’t, show them you can.

50. Everyone is created equally. Remember that!






(William Earnest Stone, IV – Wes)

(Wendell Stone – Wen)



I could go on and on….thanks for listening and maybe taking a little of this to heart. Family is everything to me and “My Boys” are special. I don’t know if you know this, but Wes and Wen are adopted. They are six weeks apart in age and we got them one week apart. They are one of the biggest miracles of my life. They are still best friends. I have 2 Son in Laws and 3 Grandsons. It’s amazing to watch the next generations. 

I like to think we did something right….maybe?!

More to come on adoption – 3 of my 4 kids are adopted….then I got the 4th surprise of my life when I was least expecting it.  

Happy Words of Wisdom! Please share yours with me!


Sharing is caring!

5 thoughts on “50 WORDS OF WISDOM FOR MY SONS”

  1. Thank you for sharing, Janelle. It is not too late to share with my twin sons (38), son-in-law and the grands! Excellent post!!!

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement. There was a lot more I should have said. I’ve got a blog ready for words of wisdom for my girls…but that’s even harder for me.

      My boys aren’t twins. They are both 27 and adopted. Wes is 6 weeks older than Wen. They were raised like twins and it’s been an amazing ride. They are still best friends and live together with another set of brothers. They are one of the biggest blessings of my life.

      Let me know what your twin boys think! I’m curious.

  2. Janelle~
    LOVE those boys and you!!! Excellent advice for all of us!!! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Linda! I miss seeing you. Once I started writing that blog, there was so much I wanted to say to the boys. I could have done 100 words of wisdom for them.

      Thank you for being such a big part of their lives and helping them so much during Middle School.

      Love you, Sweet Friend!

  3. Love all Janelle. I especially ❤
    19. Old ways don’t open new doors.
    You are one….
    “Smart Momma!”

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