Why You Should Use a Professional Organizer


OK…I thought my life was pretty organized until I open my pantry everyday.  I don’t even like to open the door because it reminds me of my messy life.  Oh my gosh!  My life changed today when I hired a Professional Organizer to do my dirty work…the dirty work I didn’t want to face.  I feel like a new person and 100 pounds “food lighter”.  I actually threw away something that probably expired in the 80’s

I got married in the 80’s and I had a Spice Shower (can you even imagine that now??).  That’s when women stayed at home and cooked all day to make the meal for their husbands. The Allspice didn’t have an expiration date, but I’m sure I got it in the “Back in the Day”.  The packaging has changed a lot since then. How sad for me.  Ha!

I also threw away some A&W chocolate ice cream topping that expired in 2012.  I’m sure it was a good year for bottled chocolate sauce…but really?  

Long story short, it was a long but life changing day for me.

Staci Ferber, who owns Reorgit.com https://www.reorgit.com has

changed my organizational life.  Staci lives in Dallas but travels all over the country reorganizing homes, vacation homes, yachts and planes.  She was recommended to me by so many Estate Sale clients and friends I knew I had to step over the line and try it.  She’s a pro!  

I didn’t know organizers did closets, bathrooms, kitchens & offices, jets and yachts.  I thought they were way out of reach for most of us.  No!  They’re not! I let it go and Staci went through the gross cat food, stale crackers and expired canned goods with no judgement.  We all need a Professional Organizer.

I know there are so many Professional Organizers out there.  Why didn’t I listen to what all my clients and friends were telling me? They edit, organize, throw away, re-package and label.  I’m so glad she loves her job because it’s a job I just don’t want to do.  Now I understand why it’s an entire industry.  Worth it!

Today I had an appointment and had to leave. When I got back my kitchen was spotless and it was “Magically Organized”.  My shelves were lined and all my “stuff” was in just the right place. Just sayin…it’s worth every penny.  I’m hiring her to do the rest of my house.

Look for a Professional Organizer in your area.  Check their references and hire them.  It will de-clutter a little bit of your life and you’ll love it.  Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Now I have room to breathe and more room to buy more things that I don’t need.  Here’s to the abilities of Professional Organizers!



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